Dash Cam Motion Detection and Parking Mode Explained
Your Dash Camera’s Parking Sensors
Australian research (by Nextbase) shows that most drivers are likely to install a dash cam if it meant a discount on insurance. But before you get too excited, having a dash cam installed in your vehicle won’t save you a cent on car insurance.

Most dash cams come with parking sensors. The record function activates when any activity happens in, on, or around your parked vehicle.
You can get your parked vehicle security working harder with a Thinkware dash cam. With a 140 degree wide-angle lens, and 1080P video quality, most Thinkware cameras record everything, including when someone parks next to you and walks away. Even the guy just ahead who stole a penny from the busker’s hat is now on tape.
24/7 in-car security system
The best in-car security system is one that will record and save every moment while your vehicle is parked. Even our entry-level F70 (the F70 is now on special) even has a time lapse function where you can view the entire time away and events happening around your car.
Consumers and dashcam experts wonder if in-vehicle cameras will ever be effective against automobile theft, following a rash of high-profile thefts from cars and garages. A camera just doesn’t seem like an effective crime deterrent when people can walk up to your vehicle while it is unattended, snoop around inside, remove the money or belongings they notice hidden in plastic bags under some boxes or other useful parts of the car and flee.
But what if you recorded all that?
Dashcam time-lapse footage as evidence in court
While your wonderful time-lapse photography won’t get you a discount on car insurance, it is 100% admissible as evidence in court – should something go awry.
The Thinkware 700 Dash Cam (the T700 is also on special) Records up to 4K and 60FPS so you know what is going on at all times. You don’t have to worry about keeping track of people who come in contact with your car, or rely on building security camera footage (destroyed during a police investigation).
The latest generation of Thinkware dash cams are renowned for the way they save and store footage. Video can be saved to a mini-SD card and the camera will even record your driving as GPS data.
Integrated front-facing car camera
An integrated front-facing camera will record all that happens inside your car, day or night. These days, most vehicles have an in-dash cam so you don’t have to drill, but they may need to be customised first. We also carry Thinkware’s rideshare camera, .
If you receive a fine for or get caught by a speed camera, or run a red light on CCTV, having a dashcam is the best form of personal insurance – even if your insurance company won’t give you a premium. At least you can sleep easy knowing that your silent witness is faithfully doing its job – even when you aren’t there.
40% of Australians would install a Dash Cam if it meant they received an annual discount of $100 on their car insurance. This figure rose to nearly two thirds of the country’s motorists if they were able to receive up to $150 off their car insurance.
Dash Cams hard-wired to your vehicle battery (such as the incredible T700 which is now on special) can automatically start recording while your car is parked – even if you aren’t there. You can use your dashcam footage to thwart vandals, catch hit-and-run or road rage offenders, or even monitor the entrance to your home (or at least your home garage).
Proving causation of an accident in any way will support insurance claims.
Having said all this, with so many Australians vying for dash cam insurance discounts, it might only be a matter of time.